Juuso Laivisto 再夺桂冠--第十届红牛南山公开赛五星赛事!/ Juuso Laivisto wins again | SHREDDERR - 单板滑雪中文网站
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Juuso Laivisto 再夺桂冠–第十届红牛南山公开赛五星赛事!/ Juuso Laivisto wins again

新闻, 活动, 2012.01.16 08:25, 3,119 次浏览, 0 条评论, By

sam killing it. bs 9 over the big one.

这里是中国,北京,2012年1月15日,来自芬兰的选手Juuso Laivisto已经第三次参加红牛南山公开赛,这也是他第二次赢得本赛事冠军了,唯一不同的是今年红牛公开赛已经升级成为TTR五星赛事,所以本次夺冠对他来说意义更为重要!夺冠后的他说:”能看到这个比赛在这几年中快速的成长感觉很棒,也非常感谢各位裁判的青睐赢得这个冠军很高兴!”

他口中的裁判们包括了Michi Albin,Ingemar Bachman和Scotty Wittlake,也就是昨天预赛决定前12强并在今天决赛决定前4强的裁判们,预赛中滑手们的表现给裁判们留下了深刻的印象,滑手们的水平提高很快,技术动作越来越好,绝对当之无愧这些TTR积分和奖金!决赛中每位滑手两次滑行机会,来自美国的选手Sam Hulbert率先晋级终极决赛,晋级终极决赛的选手还有来自芬兰的Juuso Laivisto和Roope Tonteri,来自韩国的Teddy Koo。

Juuso Laivisto以他第二轮的滑行表现将他再次推向冠军宝座,漂亮的back-to-back bs900 mutes接50-50在polejam上,结束动作是单板墙上的完美bs lipslide和tweaked out fs360 nosebonk在红牛桥上。有机会争夺冠军宝座的是同样来自芬兰的选手Roope Tonteri,cab900 indy落地,和他那领人望而兴叹的bs1260mute,polejam上漂亮的boardslide 270out和单板墙上的lipslide 270out,虽然以成绩不敌前者,但绝对当之无愧第三名位置!美国选手Sam Hulbert以bs720,fs1080飞过大跳台,只选择了pipe道具的他完美无缺的50-50接360out赢得第二名的好成绩!


winner. for the second time. bs 9, switch bs 9 combo. wowsers.

Beijing, CHINA – January 15th, 2012 – In his third appearance at the event, Finnish rider Juuso Laivisto today claimed his second first-place finish at China’s TTR 5Star 10th Red Bull Nanshan Open. “It’s been awesome to see how the event has grown the last few years, and to see such legends in the judging booth made it extra special to win here today!” Juuso said as he celebrated his win.

With the aforementioned judges including Michi Albin, Ingemar Bachman and Scotty Wittlake in charge of narrowing yesterday’s 12 top-ranked riders down to four for the afternoon’s Super Finals, the level of riding was significantly elevated from the qualification round as riders gave their all for promises of fame, glory and of course TTR points and prize money! After two runs each, USA’s Sam Hulbert would enter the Super Finals ranked first, followed by Juuso Laivisto, Roope Tonteri (FIN) and Teddy Koo (KOR).

Juuso Laivisto clinched first place on his second run, going huge with back-to-back bs900 mutes, followed by a 50-50 to method on the polejam, bs lipslide on the downrail finishing off in style with a tweaked out fs360 nosebonk on the Red Bull cube. Roope Tonteri (FIN) unfortunately was unable to stomp what could have been a first place run, landing a cab900 indy but reverting out on his impressive bs1260 mute attempt – still finishing his run off in style with a switch boardslide 270out on the polejam and a lipslide 270out on the downrail, enough for third place. Sam Hulbert took second with a bs720 to fs1080 on the kickers and was the only rider to hit the jib section’s oversized-pipe with a 50-50 to bs360 out.

With the snowboarding side of the trip now over, riders will now be focusing on getting their voices in tune for tonight’s KTV-party session and once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Great Wall – Zaijian and Ganbei!

*转自史总的围脖,中国能有这么高水平的赛事简直太棒了 ^.^



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